Hello from Alan

We’re all on the road of life. This is my personal website. To tell you a little bit about me, I’m a native Angelino (born and raised in Los Angeles, for you non-Californians). I grew up in Arcadia, CA, one of two districts in the entirety of the United States with a majority Asian population. I resides in a the enclave of east Los Angeles called the San Gabriel Valley (SGV). Living there, I’ve had the unique perspective of being raised in the “Joy Luck Club” experience of being of two suns, East and West. That makes me a person of color (POC). Additionally, I also identify as being gay and use he/him/his pronouns.

I suppose you could say I have three “suns” that I never feel completely a part of. The first being, Hong Kong, where my parents are from, then the United States where I was born and lastly, the LGBTQ community, an unwitting chosen family. Thus, I’m interested in all-things Asian-American, LGBTQ but also into IT business systems, technology & science fiction (sci-fi). I’m me AND also a huge nerd at the same time.

Despite never feeling like I belong, I’m a connected, passionate, loving leader. I care for my fellow homo sapiens. My hope for the sci-fi future of tomorrow to exist today means that I spend my spare time being an activist. To find out about that more, browse the rest of my personal website starting with the My Life section and/or my social media links to see what I’m up to.